Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blogs - Blogs - Blogs

I love the idea of blogging for many reasons. It does give one an outlet for writing and publishing, whether or not one really has anything to say! I have this one that I started when I was a library director in a private college and seminary. I will say, I slacked off quite a bit when I moved and took a "lower" position that doesn't even require a library degree. But there were  mitigating reasons for that.

Then I started another one for my "new location" that was less library related and broader in scope - more about my personal life.

Number three came along when I opened a new webpage and decided to start a blog about one of my favorite loves - genealogy.

Well now - there has been added #4. It is at my current location. I am blogging for the library where I currently work. It takes a totally different approach. Here I blog about tidbits of the day, genealogy tips, and goings-on at the library for the adults.

If you want to take a peek here you go -
Arkansas Pilgrim
The Ghost Buster
Books, Bones and Beyond

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What's in a name???

A patron recently came in and asked for help finding a book. She said that the title was written by "Woodruff Lee." But she couldn't find it. So, I went to help her. I'm usually pretty good at this, so I figured I would put my hands right on it. After a cursory look I couldn't find Lee's book. The patron wasn't sure if there were 'numbers' associated with it or not. But it was suppose to be in the New Large Print, also one in regular print. So I sat on the floor where I could read the spines more easily and went through every single new non-fiction book shelved. It wasn't there.

I went to the circulation desk and searched through all the carts waiting to be shelved. Not there. She said it was okay, she had plenty to read. She headed off for children's and I headed for a computer. I decided that I should look it up, like I should have done in the first place. Sure enough I found her book listed just as she quoted to me "Woodruff, Lee." AH! the Comma!!! It's amazing what a difference punctuation makes. I went back through my searches. Sure enough I found the regular print book, in the W's right where it was suppose to be.

I pulled it off the cart, and headed for children's. I didn't find her. So, I took it to the circulation desk for a courtesy hold till the patron checked out. I described her to the clerk.

She had just checked out and left!

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Blog Names

I realize I don't post on here very much any more. That's partly because I don't have much to put on a blog about libraries any more and partly because of time. However recently I have been asked to do a blog for our public library where I work. (Rogers Public Library). I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now and was using a tired overused title: Food for Thought. So I decided to see if I could create a new, fresh and unique one.

I needed to come up with a name that reflected what the blog was about - or at least I thought I needed to. I cover trivia type things: word for the day, quote of the day, this day in history, well as recipes and something to do with genealogy. I finally decided on what I wanted to use. But because it took me a while to figure one out I thought maybe others do to. So, the ones that are left I thought I would post here. Maybe they will give you an idea, or help spark one of your own. - Enjoy -

Armchair Librarian
Book Bags and Bone Piles
Books and Butterflies
Brunette Bookie
Brunette Bookette
Busy Bookworm
The Book Barn
The Book Brain
Bindings and Treebark
Bones and Brains
The Book Nook
Cup and Chaucer
Plate and Plato
From the Book House
Glamorous Bookie
Glamorous Bookette
The Ghost Librarian
The Happy Worm
Journal Blothering
The Library Ghost
No Shelves Necessary
Off the Shelf'
Razorbooks (for Arkansas)
Quiet Updates
Today's Serving
Words to Wonder
Words to Wander
Wonderful Words
Word Nerd
Word Journal
Word Mission
Word Room
Write and Wong