Monday, August 20, 2007

An ALA phone poll

...of one thousand people revealed that:

• 91% believe libraries are changing and dynamic places with a variety of activities for the whole family.
• 90% believe libraries are places of opportunity for education, self-help and offer free access for all.
• 88% agreed that libraries are unique because they offer access to nearly everything on the Web or in print, as well as personal service and assistance in finding it.
• 83% believe libraries and librarians play an essential role in our democracy and are needed now more than ever.

Emery-Pratt Newsletter, Issue 4, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Harry Potter strikes again.

The newest and apparently last book of the Harry Potter series is now in the hands of thirsty readers.

I hesitate to get into the foray about the discussion. But here are some links that were passed around on one of my listservs. The first one you may not be able to get into, but I put it here anyway in case you can.

1. Looking for God in Harry Potter, John Granger

2. Critique of Granger’s book.

3. Here is an apologeticist’s point of view regarding the Potter phenomenon. It is written in two parts by James White. You’ll need to go to the Archives and find July 21, 2007. You'll have to scroll down a bit to find them. Harry Potter meets Cornelius Van Til

4. Now this is a different point of view: Straight talk on Harry Potter

5. The Lantern also weighs in on the conversation.

If you wish to find more go to your favorite search engine and type in Harry Potter, book reviews, christian, anti-christian and you will get numerous more articles to raise points for you to consider. I pulled up 632 listings with all the above words. Bon appetit!