Thursday, June 21, 2007

ACL 2007-Signs of a good conference:

Finding others in similar situations as yours
Aching feet and bleary eyes on the first night
Handouts you read again when you get home
Social engagements scheduled for afterwards
Not enough exercise and too tired to get any
Keeping in touch with your roommate
Answers to nagging questions
New ideas swapped over lunch
Getting your pick of door prizes
New books purchased or ordered
Positive feedback from your workshop
Someone remembered you from last year
Using suggestions from a fellow colleague
168 pictures uploaded to an online photo service
Being glad to be back in your own comfortable bed
(Figure out what the outline of this list looks like)
Renewing friendships face to face
Changing methods you held dear
Getting to visit new places
Discovery of new resources
New thoughts shared in workshops
Making plans now for next year
Left home
Good turnout
Missed friends
New inside jokes
List of new emails
Gaining four pounds
Winning a door prize
Freebies you will use
High rating on surveys
Professional networking
Finding a fellow hobbyist
Following up on contacts
New board game learned
Smooth-running schedule
Pages and pages of notes
Pile of new business cards

*(squint your eyes)
I would have suggested you cut and paste this into a word processor. But when I did this the length of lines changed in the bottom part. You can try it and see if it helps you or not. Be sure and reduce the image to about 25%. That gives you the best overall view of what the list looks like. Have Fun!

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