Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Job

After three months of unemployment and about eight months of looking for a new job, I finally have received a job as a cataloger at the Rogers (AR) Public Library. It is only 2 minutes from where I live and pays more than I was expecting to get. So I am excited. After a background check is done by the City of Rogers, I will be able to start work. Probably it will be on the 27th.

I am excited to be able to continue in the library profession and not have to take "just anything that came along."

So - any of you that are looking or "still looking" - take heart and hang in there.

Networking is what did it for me. I also tried job sites like and and looking in the newspaper's want ads. But in the end it was word of mouth and networking that found me the job I received.

1 comment:

C said...

Congratulations!! So excited and happy for you!