Thursday, March 22, 2007

Me? Forget? Of Course!

I have never said I was perfect. In fact, I am the first person to admit that I am not. This has even been developed into my "style" of leadership. Even though I am fifty-!@#$ (something) I do not have the experience of those who have been a librarian "all their lives." So I have always looked for and/or invited other people's input on a given issue or decision-making process. I admire those, on the other hand, who seem to "have it all together." I have done this long enough now, though, to discover that this is sometimes a cultivated talent, not necessarily a natural one in others.

I have learned much since taking this position - I am to claim my strengths and staff my weaknesses (so I am told); use tools of organization - like calendars, day planners and schedules (etc.), pace myself, put different tasks into my weekly or monthly calendar that seem to never get done, delegate jobs and responsibilities to others (you DON'T have to do it all yourself.), check your email, voice mail and schedule every morning and more.

However, inspite of the best attempts to use these organizational tools, there invariably comes a situation that reminds me once again that inspite of my best efforts, I still fail the system. (not vice versa) One of the issues of getting older (!) is that of remembering verses forgetfulness. Some folks have said to me 'oh, you just have too much on your mind,' or 'you're under a lot of stress.' They are kind folks as they use these remarks in attempt to console me and maybe even themselves when I fail.

I was reminded again just this morning of this human fraility of 'older age' called forgetfulness. We are in the midst of spring break. Students are gone and the faculty and staff are also taking various amounts of time off. One of my own staff ladies arranged to take today and tomorrow off. That would work just fine, I figured. I was taking off Monday and Tuesday, have Wednesday off already. I would be back for Thursday and Friday. Everything was settled.

This morning when I got up at 7 I realized, LL won't be there to open today at 8 am, I had a meeting elsewhere and would not even arrive in the office until after lunch and AdJ doesn't start work until 8:30. GREAT! I didn't have AdJ's phone number as she has a cell phone with a long distance number (Puerto Rico, no less). What was I going to do? Well - the students are all gone. Even my boss is gone. (That may be a good thing!) What could I do? I decided that I would have to just let it ride and find out when I got to work what happened. Good, bad or indifferent that is what I did. Hopefully given the week, the fallout wouldn't be too bad.

After my meeting, I called in and found out that AdJ had come in (unaware of the need) 15 minutes early which helped. So we opened at 8:15 instead of 8:30 like I expected. And, the only person waiting to get in was an on-campus student who is in and out of the library all day, anyway (with "nothing" to do). At least it wasn't someone who had driven across town to get in and then couldn't. Fortunately the fallout was very little and quite forgiving. AdJ was apologetic that she didn't think to come in earlier because she had known that LL was going to be gone. She just didn't put the two together. (Another kind soul) I told her that I was the one to carry the blame, I was the library director, it should have been me to have seen to it that someone was here. She had no reason to be apologetic. It was I who should apologize!!! And did!

Well, not to sound like I am beating myself up, unmercifully tho' well-deserved, it would be encouraging if these reoccuring occasions would help to eliminate these from happening again, or to educate oneself to know better next time. But for some of us, is there any hope??? Hmph! I doubt it.


btw, my husband and I were out driving yesterday. On our way we saw some buffalo. These were domesticated ones, but you still don't see them very often. (Yes, we live in Kansas.) - See post for March 15th: a year of beauty.

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