Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Year of Beauty

I had a dear friend, who started out being my English teacher in High School. She was such an inspiration. The 50th year of her and her husband’s marriage she wrote down something every day that she saw that was beautiful. I’m sure there were a few days that that was a struggle. But the rest of the time there was at least something to many things to choose from.

I was reminded of this the other day when I saw my first robin! And I noticed that my tulips and grape hyacinths are sprouting and my daffodils are up and some are blooming.

I even get quite fascinated looking at clouds and have been known to take a few pictures of them, stopping along the road on my way to somewhere. So even when it is a cloudy or stormy day you can still find something beautiful. That seems to be so true of life, even.

What have you seen today that is beautiful?

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