Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blogs - Blogs - Blogs

I love the idea of blogging for many reasons. It does give one an outlet for writing and publishing, whether or not one really has anything to say! I have this one that I started when I was a library director in a private college and seminary. I will say, I slacked off quite a bit when I moved and took a "lower" position that doesn't even require a library degree. But there were  mitigating reasons for that.

Then I started another one for my "new location" that was less library related and broader in scope - more about my personal life.

Number three came along when I opened a new webpage and decided to start a blog about one of my favorite loves - genealogy.

Well now - there has been added #4. It is at my current location. I am blogging for the library where I currently work. It takes a totally different approach. Here I blog about tidbits of the day, genealogy tips, and goings-on at the library for the adults.

If you want to take a peek here you go -
Arkansas Pilgrim
The Ghost Buster
Books, Bones and Beyond

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