Thursday, January 03, 2008

You never know what you're going to find

Well, our holidays are over and so is my vacation. I really like my job, but it was nice to have a couple of weeks off.

Before we closed down for our semester break we had an unusual visitor at the library that I thought I would tell you about. EB in acquisitions was helping SS go through boxes of donated books. She opened a box and gasped. "Is that a real snake?"

Well you know that got everyone's attention real quick! We all got up to look and sure enough, stuck to the outside of the box on some of the tape was a small dead and dried baby snake!!! Believe or not, I took the little critter and put him through our small laminator so I could "preserve him forever." Thus he is laying here on my desk in front of me as I type.

Well, one of the ladies commented, "Wouldn't it be something if we found the mother snake in here!" The mind-picture and the thought of that got me laughing. But it was preceeded with an intake of air. One of my staff ladies thought that gasp of air meant I saw Mama! She sorted of shrieked and jumped back. "What!? Did you see it!?" she asked. Then I really did laugh! Finally everyone calmed down when we all realized the "gasp" was from the THOUGHT of seeing a Mama snake, not because I really did see one.

You know, not everyone that comes in the library is there to read a book. Some just like to be next to one - up close and personal. Hopefully we won't get another one like that for a while - not even a dead one.

What unusual visitor have you had?

1 comment:

Lori Thornton said...

If I found a snake, I'd faint! If I came into your office and saw the dead snake, I'd faint! I start hyperventillating and turning white any time I see one of those things--dead or alive.